Chapter 8: Growing Up Is Hard To Do

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Following Scarlett's 'indiscretion' last night she seemed keen to put it all behind her. She invited her boyfriend Gregory over and, well, one thing led to another and she asked him to move in with her.

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One quick makeover later...

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Gregory had a lifetime want to be a Rockstar so he immediately got himself a job in the music career and set about improving his guitar skill. Then, that night, the couple had some rather unusual visitors...

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Yes, Lamar and Riley had returned from the beyond to visit their old home. It's kind of sweet to see them reunited, even if they did both have to die for it to happen.

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Scarlett was both upset and delighted to see her mother again. Just being able to hug her; talk to her, even for just a few minutes worked to ease some of the pain she still felt over her passing.

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The next morning, Scarlett discovered she was pregnant. Completely shocked at first, gradually Scarlett calmed down a little, but soon found herself wracked with terror because she knew the baby wasn't Gregory's.

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Eventually she summoned up the courage to tell Gregory the news.

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Here goes...

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Strangely enough he seemed quite happy about it. But maybe that's because she didn't tell him the baby wasn't his... You know, for such a nice girl, Scarlett has done some pretty questionable things.

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Scarlett spent the next few days relaxing as she got ready for the impending birth. Then something terrible happened...

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It wasn't terrible for the game, oh no, but for me. Somehow, all the pictures I took over the next ten or so Sim days got lost. *sigh* I don't know how it happened. I'm afraid you'll have to make do with a recap.

So a couple of days later Scarlett gave birth to a baby girl who she named Harlow. Not long after Gregory, a Hopeless Romantic at heart, proposed to his girlfriend. Scarlett said yes, even know she knew she was doing the wrong thing.

After the proposal Scarlett knew that to move on with their lives, she had to tell Gregory the truth. She was all ready to do so, but then she discovered she was pregnant again. This time the baby was definitely Gregory's.

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Soon it was time for Harlow's birthday, and somehow I didn't lose this picture. This is Harlow as a toddler.

Not long after Harlow's birthday, Scarlett sat Gregory down and told him the truth. Gregory was crushed to discover that the little girl he had bonded with wasn't actually his, and just as devastated by Scarlett's betrayal. He immediately broke off their engagement, and moved out. Barely a few Sim hours later, Scarlett went into labour. This time she had a baby boy, whom she called Devon.

The next few days were extremely difficult for Scarlett as she tried to bring up two young children on her own. It was a very hard time and Scarlett didn't have a full night's sleep for days. But, through some perseverance, Scarlett was able to teach Harlow how to walk and talk. And, soon enough, it was time for Devon's birthday.

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And here he is as a toddler, bless him. So that's the end of this chapter. Hopefully they'll be more soon, providing I don't have another massive cock-up and lose all the pictures again. Buh-bye for now!

You can find the original on the story board here- feel free to rec that if you've enjoyed this : )


  1. Did you know that Harlow would become a murderer?

  2. Scarlet is a good looking gurll..cant wait to reaad the rest.luv them(:

  3. I've always thought Devon was really cute. I was sad when he moved out. :(

  4. I liked Harlow - she was more interesting than Riley and Scarlett.
