Chapter 14: The Ghost of You

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Following the sudden death of their parents, the youngest Mars children were taken out of the basement and moved to the hallway upstairs.

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The basement itself- the cells- were all closed and the door securely locked. Terrible things had happened down here, and it was hoped that the family would just be able to put the horror of their pasts behind them.

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The eldest member of the family, Pandora, was still only a teenager herself. However, she soon stepped up to the responsibilities of taking care of her younger siblings. After all, who else would there be to look after them?

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During the day time when Pandora was at school a babysitter would be drafted in to help with looking after the kids. I don't think it was very easy on him- Mayana and Sydney needed constant care, and Reuben screamed loudly whenever he needed attention.

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During breaks in childcare Pandora would think of her mother. She missed Harlow desperately, but she was also so angry at her for what she had done. Her murderous ways and selfish suicide had ripped the family apart, and Pandora didn't know whether she'd be able to hold them together.

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Soon it was the twins' birthday. Mayana grew up first.

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And here she is as a toddler. To recap her traits are Easily Impressed and Family Oriented.

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Next it was Sydney's turn to age.

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Here she is as a toddler. Her traits are Evil and Insane.

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Over the next couple of days Pandora continued to care for her family, and one night Harlow's ghost appeared.
I've got to say that's the most attractive ghost I've ever seen...

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Reuben's birthday was up next.

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He grew into a child and gained the trait of Couch Potato. He soon made himself comfortable in front of the television.

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Pandora was thrilled that her little brother had grown up. After all, now that he would be able to look after himself somewhat Pandora would have more time to care for the twins.

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With Reuben busy amusing himself, Pandora got to work teaching the twins some life skills.

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In a few days time Mayana and Sydney were able to walk, talk, and use the potty by themselves.

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Hey, how do you know there's a ghost in your fridge?
There's fingerprints in the boo-ter!

I'll let myself out...

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Ahem, soon it was time for the twins' birthday again. Pandora threw a little party for them and Mayana was the first to age up.

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Closely followed by Sydney.

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And here they are as children!

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It was also Pandora's birthday on the same day. She aged into a Young Adult- her appearance didn't change that much and she gained the Ambitious trait.

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The next day all three of the Mars kids went to school together for the first time.

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Meanwhile, Pandora got back to doing what she loved best- painting. By now she had reached level 6 of the skill, and it was a good thing too as the money she made from her paintings was the only source of income the family had.

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In her freetime Mayana liked to clean. Well, she had gained the Neat trait after all.

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She also enjoyed playing with her toy oven.

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Sydney had gained the trait of Computer Whiz so she spent her nights hacking. The extra money she made from this certainly came in handy.

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With all the recent deaths that had occured, Pandora had built a little graveyard in the back garden of the house.
Reuben often liked to visit it at night to see his parents, but he never had the courage to speak to them.

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Ghosts were on other Sims' minds too... Mayana and Sydney knew little of the basement- only that it was off-limits; restricted. Forbidden. Still, the twins were mischievous in nature, and so took it upon themselves one night to have a little adventure...

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Pandora had told them many times- Do Not Go Into The Basement.
As they crept their way down the stairs Mayana began to think that maybe they should have listened to their sister. The basement was dank, dark, and had an aura of death.

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When they reached the bottom of the stairs Mayana and Sydney tried to take in their surroundings, but it was so dark in the room that they could barely see anything. Was that... a fireplace? A cell? What was that noise?!

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The twins watched aghast as a glowing figure slowly materialised in front of their very eyes.

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Mayana and Sydney barely had time to think; to breathe. Soon the figure was advancing towards them quickly and calmly. With a great deal of mental effort Mayana began to move, turn, push her sister, shout RUN!

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The girls raced up the stairs and into the bright familiarity of their home. Slamming the door shut behind them, they vowed to never again go into the basement.

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The next day it was Reuben's birthday.

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He grew into a teenager, and a rather handsome one at that ; )

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Now that Reuben was old enough to babysit his sisters, Pandora found she was able to go out into the neighbourhood and meet some people. The first friend she made was a woman named Naomi.

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Over the course of several days the two women got closer. Eventually Pandora felt brave enough to ask her on a date.

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Pandora and Naomi shared an intimate dinner at the Bistro.

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Soon after they had their first kiss.

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And Pandora asked Naomi to be her girlfriend.

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It's pretty self-explanatory what happened next... : p

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Whilst Pandora was busy with her new girlfriend the twins grew ever closer.

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They enjoyed spending time in each others company, and liked nothing more than a day at the beach together.

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Their childhood says passed pleasantly, and soon it was time for the twins to age up once again.

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As usual, Mayana was first.

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Obviously she had a little makeover upon her transition.
She gained the trait of Natural Cook.

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Next up was Sydney.

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Another makeover, and the Good Sense of Humour Trait.

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So what other mischief will the twins get up to now they are teenagers? And just who is the mystery ghost in the basement? Find out in the next chapter of The Mars Family Legacy, coming soon.

You can find the original on the story board here- feel free to rec that if you've enjoyed this : )


  1. I like Sydney, so I'm sort of disappointed that you chose Mayanna for the heir, but on the other hand, Grim Reaper's kids don't really have facial features . . .

  2. I like the fact the kids had an adventure n this one.

  3. I am glad you chose Mayanna in hope that the red hair will be carried on ! :)

  4. I hated Sydney, she reminded me too much of Grim, so Im totally glad Mayana is the new heir, and I think shes WAY WAY WAY prettier than her ugly sis. And in the previous chapter, I talked to FuryRed an did u see Grim in the pic wif all da girls? Laura said ALL, every single one of 'em got pregneant wif Grim babies!!! ROFLFT (ROFL + Fifty Times)!!! Poor Harlow....

  5. mhhk is this girrl a frickin lesbian or somethingg? wth ! this is gay , im out. -peacee

  6. Stop making fun of Fury, you retarded idiot.

  7. shut up yo bi*ch >:(

  8. Dude the person who said that they're out is a HUGE JERK!!!!!!!!!!man you don't no what's going to happen next you mising out!!!!!!!!
